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May 21, 2024

Integrate our new AI-powered search engine on your portal now 🎉

Unclear queries, spelling mistakes, unfamiliar portal-specific jargon: Don't let your users miss out on finding relevant data anymore, thanks to our new AI-powered search engine that goes beyond keyword matches.

More comprehensive data discovery with semantic understanding 🔎

By considering query semantics, our engine now automatically broadens search to cover all related fields of the term entered, ensuring it provides all relevant results to your users, avoiding omitting any useful data available on the portal.

A more guided and intuitive experience with result suggestions

A new suggestions window automatically appears, ranking results by relevance and including key metadata to provide context for users as they browse:

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Faster search with different entry points ⏱️

The new engine can be integrated into a page and/or the portal header. It can even be accessed using the "command + K" shortcut:

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Enriched data discovery with similar dataset recommendations 🙌

In addition to the search engine, the "Information" page of datasets is enriched with recommendations of similar datasets, helping users discover other relevant data on your portal.

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Note: Activating the search engine automatically activates similar dataset recommendations. ✅

✍️ Enhanced focus on metadata completion and quality

These features are based on 5 standard metadata of each dataset (title, description, theme(s), keyword(s), and geographic coverage), encouraging data producers to fill in these metadata correctly to optimize search engine performance.

👉 How to integrate the new search engine?

To learn more, don't hesitate to:

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